Ontario Open Water Swimming Championships Highlights

Alexandra Harrison


A team of BTSC swimmers headed to Gull Lake in Gravenhurst July 13-14 to compete in the Ontario Open Water Championship. It was a beautiful weekend with lots of blue skies and sunshine. The following swimmers braved the cooler water of the lake: Kaia Hornby, Clara Vilchez, Maggie McCoanchie, Edwin Huang, Matt Creasor, Nathan Orava, William Rupay, Leah Martin, Douglas Sutherland, Davis Kozanczyn, Amylee Courchesne, Mark Gurevich, Laila Oravsky, Shea Gillespie, Will Debroux, Griff Seguin, Keira Hornby, Emma Vaughan, Eva Mankarios, Emma Guthrie, Molly Robinson, Will McConachie.


The shorter 1 and 2 kilometer distance races and 4x500M mixed relays took place on the first day for the various age groups (11-12 yr old, 13-14 yr old, 15-16 yr old and 17 yr old and over). There were also the same Masters events. 



1km Race

  • Maggie McConachie took 3rd place out of 38 11-12 yr old female swimmers
  • Kaia Hornby finished 3rd out of 46 swimmers for the female 13-14 yr old age group while Clara Vilchez finished 4th for the same grouping.
  • Edwin Huang was 9th overall for 11-12 year old boys.

2km Race

  • Emma Vaughn was the fastest 11-12 yr old girl. Keira Hornby touched her timing chip in first place for the 13-14 yr old female age group.
  • Laila Oravsky and Shea Gillespie finished one-two for 17 year old and over female swimmers.
  • Will Debroux was 2nd in the same age category for male swimmers. Griff Sequin had the same placement for his 13-14 yr old group. Eva Mankarios had a top 10 finish coming in 9th place.


Mixed Relay

  • After almost 28 minutes of swimming the relay team of Griff Seguin, Shea Gillespie, Laila Oravsky and Will Debroux achieved a second place finish. A sprint to the finish by Will earned the 2nd spot by less than a second.
  • The second day of swimming featured the longer distance 3km and 5km races for 14-15 yr old, 16-17 yr old and 18 yr old and over categories.

3km Race

  • Molly Robinson represented BTSC very well as the sole Club swimmer in this distance. Molly finished 5th in the race for 15-16 year old swimmers.

5km Race

  • Will Debroux was the first place finisher in the 18 yr old and over category. Griff Seguin placed 3rd in the 14-15 yr old group.
  • Laila Oravsky was the fastest female swimmer and therefore took first place in her 16-17 yr old age group. Shea Gillespie finished 10th.

Congrats to all our swimmers! GO TROJANS!